Museo Sorolla
Museo Sorolla is a Museum in Madrid
showing the works of the artist Joachim Sorolla and of his daughter
The Museum was originally the home of the Artist.
Some rooms show the house as it was decorated
during the life of Joachim Sorolla, others show his paintings.
Other rooms are used as a Gallery showing temporary exhibitions.
The collection shows several Sorolla paintings who loved
to paint sceens of the beach.
Ther are also 8 self portraits of the painter.

Joachim Sorolla (1863 - 1923)
The building was drawn in 1909 by Spanish Architect Enrique Maria Repulles (1845 - 1922)
who also build the neo classi Madrid Stock Exchange.
It was the home of Joachim Sorolla and his wife Clotilde García del Castillo
and their children Maria Clotilde, Joaquin and Elena
The museum is founded by Clotilde Sorolla
after the death of her husband.
The familiy donated the house and most of their paintings
to the State of Spain with the idea to keep the cultural heritage united.
Anothe Sorolla painting is in the collection of the
Musee d'Orsay.
One painting was in the Palm Beach house of Aimée de Heeren.
Sometimes Sorolla painting appear in auctions with
Souvenirs of the Sorolla Museum